You can push the power botton 10 sec to power off and on again,if not work dot this.ġ)1st if you flash kk firmware then you need to power off you device(10 sec close not 5 cose it just reboot)then push at the same time power and volDOWN when you see the lg logo release the buttons and push again power and UPvol for 3sec then realese again then you see the screen says you want to do full wipe follow the instractions to do full wipe(it is like factory resset your phone) after reboot your phone (it take a 3 min) you will just fine. mercredi 27 janvier 2016 Lg flash tool gives contact system administrator error I have a lg g4. This is an updated version related to LG flash tool and it specially updated sequential Android Marshmallow and higher versions flash. My phone got stuck on logo after the whole process was completed Here is another LG family flashing tool entitled LGUP that addresses KDZ firmware files in blazing fast and to reset devices to factory settings.